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Blog Posts With a 'news' Tag

It's here!!

Well it is finally here, my upgraded and mobile friendly version of MandyFlores.com! I've spent a ton of money on it, got a dedicated server, for those of you that have been members before you should see quite an improvement in speed and load times. 2017 has been a great year for me, and there is a lot on the horizon still to come in the couple months left. As always nearly all of my videos are custom orders, (like the one above) that means it was made for a specific individual who paid to have it made by me. They tend to average between $175 and $350 for a ten minute video depending on content and difficulty. Many of these picture sets on the site are also specific ordered sets. Feel free to email me if you decide you want to treat yourself and get your very own Mandy Masterpiece!


Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: sizeof(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, null given in /home/ydnam/public_html/cms_admin/phptemplate/contemporary/globals/comments.tpl:20 Stack trace: #0 /home/ydnam/public_html/cms_admin/phptemplate/contemporary/functions/standard.tpl(34): include() #1 /home/ydnam/public_html/cms_admin/phptemplate/contemporary/blog.tpl(131): LoadTemplate('globals/comment...', Array) #2 /home/ydnam/public_html/cms_admin/phptemplate/contemporary/functions/standard.tpl(34): include('/home/ydnam/pub...') #3 /home/ydnam/public_html/cms_admin/phptemplate/contemporary/news.tpl(16): LoadTemplate('blog.tpl') #4 /home/ydnam/public_html/cms_admin/includes/alwaysexec.php(645): unknown() #5 /home/ydnam/public_html/cms_admin/includes/membersMain.class.php(4613): php_templateload(Object(MembersMain), Array, '/home/ydnam/pub...', 0, '') #6 /home/ydnam/public_html/cms_admin/plugins/news/news.class.php(391): MembersMain->xsl_output('', 'news.tpl') #7 /home/ydnam/public_html/cms_admin/includes/pages/load_news.php(40): plugin_news->gen_news(Object(MembersMain), Object(Config), Array) #8 /home/ydnam/public_html/cms_admin/includes/alwaysexec.php(2024): LoadPage_news(Array) #9 /home/ydnam/public_html/vod/news.php(41): LoadPageFile(Array, 'news') #10 /home/ydnam/public_html/cms_admin/includes/pages/load_serveod.php(1269): unknown() #11 /home/ydnam/public_html/cms_admin/includes/alwaysexec.php(2024): LoadPage_serveod(Array) #12 /home/ydnam/public_html/vod/serveod.php(41): LoadPageFile(Array, 'serveod') #13 {main} thrown in /home/ydnam/public_html/cms_admin/phptemplate/contemporary/globals/comments.tpl on line 20